
When damaged in melee by another monster, a Spider Mastermind very occasionally becomes frozen in place, unable to walk or fire. Because monsters tend to repeat melee attacks until the target moves out of range, the Spider Mastermind then continues to take damage without retaliating. This stops only when the Spider Mastermind dies, or when a third party intervenes by assaulting one of the participants.

  • This error occurs because the Spider Mastermind's diameter is too large. When clipping checks are done in Doom, an allowance is made for an overlap into adjacent blockmap blocks by up to 64 units in any direction. Any monster which extends more than this may appear to be missing part of its bounding box when other monsters or players try to move against it.
  • This allows those monsters to pass into the spider. However, when the spider itself subsequently attempts to move, it detects that it has a solid object inside it and thus its moves are rejected, causing it to stand in place.

Credits and acknowledgements[]

  • The great moderator at Doom Wiki for letting me use this info. Thanks! :)

